New Jersey Real Estate by Sasha

Hudson County is geographically the smallest and most densely populated county in New Jersey. In the ever-changing real estate market today in Jersey City, Hudson County home buyers need a whole lot of tools and resources to find their family’s dream home. Home Buying Guide benefits the buyers by receiving a comprehensive resource to help them locate the home that best fits their family’s needs. While renting might seem like the better option for the early years in the County to see how the family can acclimate, enjoy the town, and don’t have major strings attached. At some point, they are going to consider wanting to buy an apartment, condo, or brownstone if they can afford it.

The full guide to buying in Hudson County is highlighted below.

  1. Get Pre-approved to BuyA mortgage company thoroughly looks through the family’s financial statements, credit debt, current debt, and work history and decides if they will lend the money to the family except if the family is financially stable and won’t need a loan.

     A mortgage lender is contacted. Most times they can have a quick call over the phone to collect data that will help determine what the family’s budget, expenses, and a credit will allow them to afford. They will go through various lending options with the family and prepare a pre-approval letter that is needed whenever presenting an offer.

    Without the pre-approval letter, an offer cannot be submitted on a property.

  2. Priorities are set
    When the family knows what they can afford, they must determine what they need versus what they want. A decision will have to be made on how much the family can afford per month and stick to looking for homes that are within that budget.
  3. The Home Search Begins
    A reputable realtor is found in the area who has expertise in the markets as well as the home-buying process to simplify the process.
  4. A thorough walkthrough of a property Intended to Buy is done
    Buying a home is one of the largest purchases most people make in their lifetime so there should be a certainty that it’s a sound purchase and that the property isn’t going to be a money pit. Hidden places should be checked to check their soundness.
  5. The Comps should be known
    Comps” are comparable sales or similar homes in the area that have a similar value to what the family wants. The real estate agent can provide the family with this data or they can check some of the online real estate websites.
  6. The Price is Negotiated and Offer is Made
    The number the family feels comfortable with is discussed and submitted to the realtor. At this point, the trusty mortgage lender’s pre-approval letter gets submitted alongside the offer that was presented to the listing agent.
  7. Acceptance of Offer and Signing the Contract
    The contract can only be considered binding only after it has been signed by both the buyer and the seller and all payments have been made and received. The terms of the contract have to be thoroughly negotiated. 

With these guides, it should be easier to buy in Hudson County. If the offer is rejected, the family can search for another property and send in an offer again.